"Thin Blue Line" is a symbol used by law enforcement that stands as the line which protects society from criminal elements and honors fallen officers. Hidden you will find different aspects of law enforcement that is part of their day to day life to serve and protect. "All gave some; some gave all".
HIDDEN PICTURES: Handgun, shotgun, AR-15, handcuffs, baton, police badge, highway patrol badge, patrol car, cross, two bullets, flashlight, radio, motorcycle, police horse, taser gun, do not cross tape, handshake, police hat, American flag, officer saluting.
HIDDEN WORDS: Police, Highway Patrol, SWAT, Ranger, Trooper, Marshal, Deputy, Chief, Captain, Major, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Sheriff, Cadet, Detective, law enforcement, brotherhood, protect and server, honor, the thin blue line, all gave some - some gave all, justice, dispatch, peacemakers, patrol, ticket, emergency, help, 911, Glock, handgun, tazer, baton, shield, shotgun, teargas, patrol car, K9, arrest, investigation, hero, family, my signature and finish date (09/19/16).
Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL & XXXL - 100% cotton
Color: Black
Brand: Next Level
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